“The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” / “Hea ja kurja tundmise puu” 2023
Oil on canvas, 90x120cm
Moosese raamatu järgi eriline puu, mille Jumal laskis tõusta Eedeni aia keskele elupuu kõrvale. See sümboliseerib võimet teadlikult eristada head ja kurja. Aga keelatud vilja maitsmise järel aeti Aadam ja Eeva paradiisist välja ning said alguse inimsoo hädad ja katsumused. Vot siis, sealt see jama algaski… / According to the Book of Moses, a special tree that God allowed to grow in the middle of the Garden of Eden next to the tree of life. It symbolizes the ability to consciously distinguish between good and evil. But after tasting the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise and the troubles and trials of the human race began. Well, that’s where the mess started…
Price 1600€